» Vétérinaire / Services d'ostéopathie
Vétérinaire d'urgence 24/7 :
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Veterinaire ( CHUV ) de St-Hyacinthe 1-450-778-8111
Services d'ostéopathie
Heather MacLeod
Athletic Therapist and Osteopathic Manual Practice Strategies for positive outcomes and injury management for high performance athletes since 1989. Combining my love of event coverage and Schutzhund since 2015. I will be available (sign up list) at the event, however I would love to hear from you before: contact me with your questions/history at
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Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the possible cancellation of this
year's FCI IGP World Championship, the CWDF may reschedule its All-breed IGP &
FH National Championship to later in the Fall. Decision shall be made in the begining of May.