» Juges
Juge en chef: Jim Chrisp

I have been in the dog sport since 1991. I started with a 3 year old Doberman, but soon after achieving a Schutzhund 1, bought a German Shepherd puppy. Since then I've trained 5 dogs to IGP 3, and others to BH, FH, and AD titles along the way. I currently have a young dog that I am starting. I’ve been a competitor at Club, Regional, National, and WUSV levels. I have served as Team Canada Captain twice, as well as co-captain once. From the start of my days in this sport, I have been a member of the Winnipeg Working Dog CIub, serving in all positions on the executive. In 2018 I relocated to British Columbia, but recently moved again to beautiful Alberta. I began the Canadian Judge's program in 2006, and since then have judged in Canada, United States, and twice in Barbados. I have been the Canadian National Helper Director for the GSSCC twice, and also a member of the Judge’s Committee. Last October I was given the opportunity to become GSSCC Head Judge. I wish all of the competitors good luck, and thank the organizing committee for all of their hard work. The old saying that “It takes a village” is an understatement for an event such as this.
GSSCC Head Judge Jim Chrisp
Conformation et Standard de la race et IGP Pistage Juge: Edgar Pertl (Austria)

Member of SV since 1969
SVÖ – Trial judge since 1994
SV – Trial judge since 2000
SVÖ – Show judge since 2007
SV – Show judge since 2010
Körmeister since 2010
Breed warden of Austria since 2018
In 1968 my father started breeding German Shepherds under the affix "vom Haus Willerau". I took over the kennel in the mid-90s and had about 30 litters since that time.
In my youth I worked as helper in different Championships, at Siegerschau and breed surveys.
I own seven dogs and train them by myself. I enter different competitions and small tournaments every year. Several times I took part in the universal winner. With my oldest male dog I entered the SCH3 test 18 times.My aim is to breed healthy and anatomically correctly established dogs which are eager to work. Currently I have three females for breeding. With my mating partners I pay particular attention to health and a good temperament.
In 1997 I became chairman of the OG Oberwart (Burgenland) - a local club with about 90 members. In 2018 I took over the office oft he federal Breed warden in Austria. Every year I judge shows, trials and breed surveys in different countries around the world.
IGP Obéissance et Protection Juge: Andrea Duggan (Canada)

I’ve been involved in the sport of Schutzhund since 1988 and I’m a longtime member of both GSSCC and UScA I received my GSSCC performance judge’s license in April 2012 and Since receiving my license I have had the pleasure of judging many Club, Regional and National level trials in both Canada and United States. I’ve trained and competed with 5 HOT/BHOT dogs at regional and National levels in both trial and show and I’m currently starting my new 5 month old puppy..
Juge du Couché sous diversion: Darin Clark (Canada)

I have been involved in the sport for over 25 years. I started as a handler training my own puppy which I went with to the World Championship. Over the past 20 years, I have been to almost every Canadian Championship and Sieger Show as a handler, helper, helper director, coach, President and now Judge. I have trained four dogs from puppy to IGP 3, competing at the Canadian Championships and making a World Team with all of them. I have trained several other dogs to a variety of titles. I began working as a training and trial helper very early on which allowed me to be a helper at many club and regional trials and a helper twice for the Canadian Championships. I was helper director for many years implementing the helper program which we currently use. I have been training director and President at Fundy Schutzhund Club, East Regional Chairperson, GSSCC Director and I am currently President of the GSSCC. My wife Mia and I breed German Shepherd Dogs since 2007 under the name Kleinenberg Kennels and we have gone to the Canadian Championships and qualified for Team Canada with our own handler bred and trained dogs. I started my Apprenticeship for a GSSCC Judge in 2017 and finished all the requirements within a year and became GSSCC Performance Judge # 12. I really enjoy being a judge and I hope my critiques can help every handler reach their goals. Good luck to everyone!

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the possible cancellation of this
year's FCI IGP World Championship, the CWDF may reschedule its All-breed IGP &
FH National Championship to later in the Fall. Decision shall be made in the begining of May.